Shuffling through the Desert

A weekly newsletter from Dr. Brenda, Money Coach​

My last few Saturdays were spent playing a real-life game of "Where's Waldo?" in the Anza-Borrego Desert State Park. Let me tell you, being an Archaeology Technician in-training is not the Indiana Jones adventure you might imagine.

Ever tried finding a needle in a haystack? Or better yet, a 4-leaf clover in a vast field of grass? That's me in the desert, shuffling along, eyes peeled for artifacts. And when you do find that proverbial 'clover,' oh boy, the paperwork! You've got to jot down everything – size, color, GPS coordinates – it's like CSI but with ancient relics. And as a rookie, it's a game of second-guessing – is this a significant find or just a cool-looking rock?

So, what treasures are we unearthing? Well, we've got pot sherds, especially those elusive rim pieces that whisper tales of ancient pottery size and style. (We're treading on lands home to the Kumeyaay and Cahuilla peoples). Then there are rocks – but not your garden variety. These are rocks with a past, possibly used as tools or scrapers. Spoiler alert: distinguishing a millennia-old tool from a plain old rock is no easy feat. And let's not forget animal skeletal remains – remnants of the area's cattle ranching days.

You might think it sounds tedious, but here's the kicker – it's the crew that keeps it entertaining. We're a motley crew of history buffs, part-time detectives, and desert wanderers. Learning about our past, preserving it, and the slim chance of stumbling upon something awe-inspiring keeps us going.

Giveaway Ends Feb. 1

As January winds down, I've been reflecting on my new schedule. It's great, but it's also left me feeling pretty worn out. My aim is to get ahead of my work, so by the time June rolls around and my RV heads north, I can shift into a more relaxed, maintenance mode. This means, however, that my winters are now packed with long hours in front of my laptop.

I'm excited to share that I've just completed my Money Road Trip course. It's been a rewarding experience transforming the concepts from my book into a comprehensive, easy-to-navigate online course. I'm looking forward to having you join me in this new venture. You can find more information about it here.

Also, a quick reminder: the giveaway for my book, Money Road Trip, on GoodReads is ending on February 1. It's a great opportunity to get a free copy, so feel free to sign up using the link below and try your luck.

Wishing you all a wonderful week and a smooth start to February.

5753 Hwy 85 N #2660, Crestview, FL 32536
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Hi! I'm Dr. Brenda

πŸ’° Sociologist, Speaker, Financial Coach, RVer living a life of adventure with her 🐈🐈🐈. See my resources at 🎯 Sign up for my newsletter!

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