New Edition of Money Road Trip Newsletter

A weekly newsletter from Dr. Brenda, Money Coach​

Note to Self: Simplify and Thrive

Dear friends,

"Simplify and Thrive," that's my motto! But this weekend, I was reminded of how often I veer off this path.

You see, I was pegged to be the Treasurer for our RV co-op's Endowment Committee. Sounds straightforward, right? Well, I found myself inheriting an old-fashioned ledger book - yes, a physical book - filled with years of handwritten transactions. I'm a fan of using whatever tool works best, and this old-school ledger was doing its job. But what if it disappeared one day? Total disaster!

Since I couldn't access the resort's QuickBooks, I turned to my go-to tool - Excel. I transferred all the 2023 transactions into a spreadsheet and automated calculations and reports. But, plot twist! We've got one number that refuses to align. It's like a jigsaw puzzle with one piece that just won't fit. And there are no calculations to go along with the number written on a piece of paper. That's the problem with going too simple - you can't replicate or validate. Ouch!

Now let's talk about this newsletter. I've been tinkering with various angles, trying to find the perfect way to invite you into one of my programs. But you know what? It's time to strip it back. From now on, these newsletters will be like catching up with an old friend. I'll share bits of my life, and yes, I'll sprinkle in some invites to my programs.

Speaking of which, I'd love for you to join my Money Road Trip course. I'm currently crafting some top-notch videos for it. This course is your roadmap to financial freedom, and I'm here to guide you every step of the way.

See you inside,



5753 Hwy 85 N #2660, Crestview, FL 32536
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Hi! I'm Dr. Brenda

πŸ’° Sociologist, Speaker, Financial Coach, RVer living a life of adventure with her 🐈🐈🐈. See my resources at 🎯 Sign up for my newsletter!

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